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Localizing content in Brightspot: CMS tips to make translations fast and easy

How to seamlessly translate content within Brightspot CMS
Watch a video demo of how translation features in Brightspot make translating assets in the CMS for different languages and locales easy and seamless.

What does it mean to localize content, and more importantly, why should your company invest time and effort into localization? When we talk about localizing content in Brightspot CMS, we start by referring to translations. Once a piece of content is translated for a local audience, editors can then use variations to present the right information across multiple languages and locales.

The act of translating you company’s content into different languages is invaluable; translated content leads to greater accessibility, which in turn leads to more eyeballs on your website. With a translation service, such as Google Translate, in conjunction with Brightspot’s localization capabilities, translating content with our CMS is effortless. There are two places in the CMS, the Translation Tab and the Translation Dashboard, where you can utilize localization to promote serviceability and inclusion on your website.

Translations Tab: Asset-level localization made easy and accessible

To localize content in the Brightspot CMS you must start by choosing the piece of work you plan on translating. After selecting that piece of content and opening it up in the CMS, click on the CMS’s overall overrides button and navigate your mouse to "Translate this Article". From here, you should be prompted to choose both your company’s translating service subscription and the locale you plan to use. You can run the translation by pressing Done when prompted.

image of Brightspot CMS' translations integration

To see the status of that specific locale, as well as all other translations and their statuses run for this asset, you can navigate to the overrides button for your specific piece of content and select the “Translations” tab. It is here that you can see all information pertaining to your specific translation. Via the “Actions” column, you can click to cancel your translation or view a translation log if the localization fails and you need to investigate why. If your translation is successful, you will see the language appear under the “Locale” dropdown in that Translations Tab.

Translation Dashboard: Keep track of localization tasks and statuses throughout your publishing ecosystem

Another localization tool available the Brightspot CMS is the Translation Dashboard. The Translation Dashboard is the epicenter for every translation run within your CMS. It is here that you can get a global view of all content localization efforts; from statuses of that content, start dates of translation projects, and records of localization updates, all information you need for your records is right there. This tab is customizable, and allows for you to search certain languages, assets and statuses specific to your task.

Making the localization of assets effortless is just one of the many ways Brightspot’s CMS enables you to create more accessible content for your company and your customers. Promote user-friendly business practices by localizing your content today.


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