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On the Record with Rose: Diamond Frye

image of Brightspot employee Diamond Frye

In this engaging conversation with Diamond Frye, a recruiter at Brightspot, Rose hears about the experience of guiding individuals from being candidates to employees at Brightspot. Diamond shares her insights on the nuances of talent acquisition, the joy of helping others shape their careers here, and her passion for volunteering and giving back to the community.

How long have you worked at Brightspot? What initially brought you here?
I have been at Brightspot since February 2023. I stumbled upon a recruiting post on LinkedIn and realized that I was connected with Avery (Senior Manager, Recruiting), so I applied. She reached out maybe the next day, so it was really quick! It just worked out.

Can you tell me more about your role as a recruiter at Brightspot? What is a typical day like for you?
I basically start my day by checking our applicant tracking system (ATS) and looking at my applicants, moving them through the process. If I see a qualified candidate, I will move them to the phone interview stage to schedule them for screening. I also use LinkedIn as a way to source qualifying profiles for the role. When I talk to candidates during the initial phone screen, I am looking to gauge if they are a qualifying fit and a good culture fit for the role. During my day, I am also usually connecting with various hiring managers to check on status and other aspects of the roles for which we're looking to hire.

What is the most rewarding part of your job at Brightspot?
The most rewarding aspect is probably receiving thank-yous from new hires, a sentiment I've personally expressed to Avery on a few occasions for recruiting me to Brightspot! It's fulfilling to see candidates become company employees, especially in today's climate where people are looking for a positive company-culture fit. Knowing that Brightspot offers a friendly, supportive atmosphere, and that those I've recruited feel at home in this positive environment, is really gratifying.

If you could switch roles with someone else at Brightspot for a day, who would it be and why?
I would probably say a product manager. I find what they do to be very interesting, specifically on the delivery side. If you're a creative person, I feel like you can do a lot in that role by speaking with customers and seeing exactly what they want to customize on their website and seeing how we’re able to create it for them. That sounds fun to me and I think it'd be really cool to work closely with our customers. It’s definitely different from what I’m used to, so yeah, I think I'd enjoy switching places with a product manager on the delivery team!

This fall, you were on the road attending multiple career fairs at local universities. Can you describe what is it like to recruit at these college career fairs?
This year was actually my first time physically going to campuses for the career fairs. There’s a lot of energy that goes into it, although I didn’t realize how exhausted I would be after one day of talking to people. As far as the experience goes, I spoke with dozens of people to learn about why they are interested in Brightspot and what they wanted to get into as far as their careers. That's honestly one of my favorite things about this job, because I like to learn more about people and their different goals, experiences and interests. It was a lot of fun and I learned a lot about what college students typically learn about in school. It was helpful to make connections, too, and to also connect with the various students who I talked with on LinkedIn afterwards. I’ve only done career fairs virtually in the past, so going to the various campuses this year was really fun.

As someone who conducts lots of interviews, what advice would you give to job seekers about what recruiters are looking for during these conversations?
It's crucial to choose a company that genuinely interests you, as this will definitely come through in your interview. A common question I ask is about the candidate's knowledge of Brightspot, gauging their research and preparation. While having all the answers isn't necessary, showing engagement and curiosity is key. Additionally, a candidate's personality, energy and positivity significantly influence how I think about them for a given role, even if I'm not 100% sure at the outset. This is some of the most important advice I can give to job seekers.

Besides the people, what is your favorite part about working at Brightspot?
It would definitely have to be volunteering. I love volunteering and if I could go to all of the events I would. I feel like it says a lot about Brightspot and what we stand for and what we believe in, especially with me and my background. My family struggled a lot financially when I was a child and the fact that I can make backpacks for school children, provide kids gifts for the holidays or volunteer at a local food-assistance organization makes me reflect on my own experiences growing up. I feel grateful that I can do some of these things for someone else. It definitely brightens my day when I can help others who might be struggling.

What are your favorite activities or hobbies to do outside of the office?
I've been making candles for about two or three years now. I’ve always loved candles, but one day I realized that I spent over a hundred dollars on candles at Bath & Body Works. So, I did some research about how to make candles on my own and ended up buying the supplies and learning how to do it. Now, I make candles for people during the holidays, or if they want to give someone else a candle, I'll make one for them to give. It’s quite therapeutic, too, because it helps me clear my mind and focus on the task at hand. I have to pay attention to the amount of ingredients I’m putting into a certain size candle. I like creating different scents—it’s really fun. You can have a lot of fun with making them and get creative as well.

What was the last book you read? Would you recommend it?
The last book I read was kind of a sad one: From Scratch by Susie Castellano. It's based on a true story and has been turned into a Netflix series. I loved it. It’s really sad, but I feel like the love story kind of hit home for me. I took a cruise last year and had just finished the show maybe a month before I bought the book. So, I took the book on the cruise and read it. That was probably the last show and book I cried over, and I’m not a person who cries at all.

If you could plan your perfect three-course meal, would it be?
As a starter, it would probably be crispy Brussels sprouts. Those are my jam. Then, as an entree, it would be carne asada street tacos. And for dessert, Häagen-Dazs Butter Pecan ice cream—because Häagen-Dazs is just superior.

Rose Pleskow Brightspot employee
About the Author
Rose Pleskow has been working at Brightspot since 2011 as a content and quality assurance specialist. In addition to writing employee profiles, Rose has played a critical role on a variety of client projects with her keen eye for detail and Brightspot publishing expertise. She has contributed to the launch of various projects ranging from SpecialOlympics.org to Amazon Science and Healthgrades.
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