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Inside Brightspot: Users and roles

Create custom roles using an incredible permission system that can set site-, tool- and content-level permissions for users. See it in action here.


[Speaker 1] The level of flexibility and customization within Brightspot truly make it stand out from other solutions available today.

The CMS may be used by many different teams and people with a variety of responsibilities. But what if you would like various users to only access certain parts of the system?

With Brightspot, you can create an infinite number of custom roles directly in the CMS. Using a permission system that provides you with granular control over exactly what each user can see and do and what they cannot. Say you are creating accounts for a new batch of writers entering new organization. You would want these writers to have access to only specific sites, content types and workflow steps. User roles allow you to tailor your permissions exactly the way you want them and will save you time when assigning and managing the same permissions across multiple users.

Roles can limit access to areas within the CMS specific sites, content types, workflow steps, integrations and more. Your writer role might look a little something like this. As you can see by using qualifiers of all, all except only and none, this role has access to all the tools needed without the noise of everything it doesn't. This allows your team to work more efficiently and ensures that they are focusing on their core responsibilities as you're setting up these rules.

It's important to take a look to make sure you're giving them the views and permissions you want. And to do this, you can actually impersonate your users and experience the CMS the way that they will.

Let's check out an one of our writers. Her permissions focus her access to only one site with a limited set of content types and she does not have access to all the admin areas inside Brightspot. As an administrator, roles give you the ability to update, change and manage your team's experience rather than relying on users to do this themselves, eliminating confusion and possible errors.

And with all this control, users still have the ability to customize some of their own settings, such as how they receive notifications and the various types of notifications they want to receive. They can even create their own custom dashboards to help them better organize their assignments and the content that they care most about.

Users and roles are designed to help your team work more efficiently, with enough flexibility to adapt to both your organization's needs as well as your users.

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