
A template is an HTML file with placeholders for variables. Brightspot’s templates are based on Handlebars.

The following snippet is an example of a simple template.

<!DOCTYPE html>

        <meta charset="UTF-8">

                <img src="{{imageUrl}}" height="300"> 

  • Declares a title tag, the value of which is a variable headline. (Literals in {{double braces}} are placeholders for dynamic content.)
  • Opens an empty <div> tag.
  • Declares an h1 tag, the value of which is a variable headline.
  • Declares a placeholder for the article’s variable body.
  • Declares an image tag, the source of which is a variable URL.

Our robust, flexible Design System provides hundreds of pre-built components you can use to build the presentation layer of your dreams.

Asset types
Module types
Page types
Brightspot is packaged with content types that get you up and running in a matter of days, including assets, modules and landing pages.

Content types
Landing pages
Everything you need to know when creating, managing, and administering content within Brightspot CMS.

Admin configurations
A guide for installing, supporting, extending, modifying and administering code on the Brightspot platform.

Field types
Content modeling
Rich-text elements
A guide to configuring Brightspot's library of integrations, including pre-built options and developer-configured extensions.

Google Analytics
Apple News