Medium rich-text editor toolbar

The medium rich-text editor toolbar is a configuration that is used when enhancements are required, but more advanced tools like track changes, comments, and find and replace are not, like an author’s full biography.

The following features are available in the medium rich-text editor toolbar.

  • Formatting: Includes bold, italics, underline, strikethrough, superscript, subscript, and clear formatting.
  • Alignment: Includes left, center, and right.
  • Lists: Includes bullets, numeric, right indent, and left indent.
  • Code: Toggles code mode on or off. If toggled on, you can type code into the rich-text editor, and it will be formatted as such in the front end.
  • Hyperlink: Supports internal or external links.
  • Block quote: Includes Text and Attribution fields.
  • Format: Supports subhead font size.
  • Embed: Supports embedding of either HTML or Iframe module inside the rich-text editor.
  • Pull quote: Includes Text and Attribution fields, both of which are tiny rich-text editors.
  • Paperclip: Adds a shared attachment (like a document, spreadsheet, or presentation).
  • Media: Supports the inclusion of the following items in the rich-text editor:

    • Image: Adds a shared image. Includes Alt Text, Caption, and Credit fields.
    • Gallery: Includes Title Override tiny rich-text editor field and an Items field that determines which images appear. The Items field has the following options:

      • Basic: Adds shared or one-off images.
      • Advanced: Adds shared or one-off images and determine whether they appear in a list view or grid view.
      • Use Existing: Uses an existing gallery.
      • Dynamic: Uses a number of options to create a dynamically populated gallery, such as the following:

        • Items Per Page: Determines the number of items per page.
        • Sort: Can be sorted by Newest, Oldest, or by Relevance.
        • Pinned Items: Allows some images to be pinned. These images may be shared or added as one-off images. If shared, you may input Title, Alt Text, Caption, and Credit, the latter two of of which are represented by small rich-text editors. You may also choose whether pinned items are presented in a list view or a grid view.
        • Time Period: Limits the gallery to images published within a determined number of days.
        • Sites: Determines which sites the gallery can pull images from.
        • Include All Locales: Toggles on or off whether all languages are supported.
        • Tags: Includes tags whose associated images are included in the gallery.
    • List (Pages): Includes an existing list of pages in the rich-text editor.
    • Playlist: Includes an existing playlist in the rich-text editor.
    • Video: Includes an existing video in the rich-text editor. The following fields are available:

      • Title: Tiny rich-text editor that auto-populates with the title of the existing video, but you may overwrite this field.
      • Hide Title: Determines whether title is hidden from view.
      • Description: Small rich-text editor field that you can use to enter a description for the video.
      • Hide Description: Determines whether the description is hidden from view.
      • Thumbnail Image: Auto-populates with the thumbnail of the video. You can overwrite this image by selecting a shared image.
      • Poster Image: Auto-populates with the poster image of the video. You can overwrite this image by selecting a shared image.
    • Embed: Embeds a URL, and includes Maximum Width and Maximum Height fields.
  • Table: Inserts a table.
  • Custom Keyboard: Opens a custom keyboard with Unicode characters.
  • Square: Opens a full-screen rich-text editing interface.
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