v4.2.5 release

Release date: February 6, 2020

Significant improvements

  • A new track changes toolbar appears in the rich-text editor when track changes is enabled. The toolbar includes the following functionality: accept changes, reject changes, accept all, reject all, and preview. In addition, when track changes is enabled, deleted text is now indicated by a strikethrough. Filed under: rich-text editor
  • For Digital Asset Management, the Asset Request Approval page and all links to it have been removed. All asset requests are managed in the Assets Request widget. Filed under: Digital Asset Management
  • The following improvements have been made to the functionality for editing images:

    • The focus point can now be set directly on the main edit page. By default, all image sizes are selected, but you can adjust each size individually.
    • To differentiate between the metadata associated with the image and the Metadata tab in Brightspot, the image metadata is now called source data.
    • Basic cropping capability is now available on the image on the Main tab.
    • The metadata, location, and usage tabs have been removed and the options on those tabs moved to the Main tab. Filed under: image
  • OneGraph has been integrated into the current GraphiQL implementation. Filed under: GraphQL
  • In the Prose Mirror rich-text editor, when you type two consecutive dashes, Brightspot automatically converts those dashes into an em-dash. Filed under: rich-text editor
  • Two new modules have been added to Brightspot: a raw HTML module and an iFrame module. Filed under: module
  • To make it easier to view, move, and remove images in a gallery, the view options in the Gallery Enhancement in the rich-text editor have been updated as follows:
  • Gallery Enhancement

    • The basic view has been removed.
    • The advanced view is now the default.
    • The gallery options are now advanced and dynamic.
    • The default view of either list view or grid view is set in Sites & Settings > Global > Main tab > UI cluster. Filed under: gallery
  • When adding a promo or other content to a new List module or Container module, an additional blank item was automatically added and had to be deleted to save or publish the content. The additional blank item is no longer added automatically. Filed under: list, container module
  • For improved performance and readability, the URL in the URL widget and the promoteable URL now link to the CDN URL directly. Previously the attachment URL was unnecessarily prefixed by the site URL, but it did redirect correctly. Filed under: URL

Significant defects addressed

  • In the Revisions widget, any changes made prior to clicking the Start New Revision link are now retained. Filed under: revisions
  • After playing a video in the preview pane and closing the preview pane, the video continued to play. The video now stops playing when the preview pane is closed. Filed under: video, preview
  • In the list view in the Gallery module, the image’s caption and credit field were not populating the slide placeholder text correctly. The fields now populate as expected. Filed under: gallery
  • In the Search panel, recent searches were missing. The recent searches now appear as expected. Filed under: CMS search
  • After closing a pop-up window on a mobile device, the page would no longer scroll. The scroll function now performs as expected. Filed under: mobile
  • The Notification widget was displaying the incorrect label for subscription. As a result, changing the label of the subscription did not change the label in the widget as expected. The correct label is now displayed for a subscription. Filed under: notification
  • In the rich-text editor, an author had work in progress (WIP) and invited a collaborator to edit the text. When the collaborator clicked the text in the rich-text editor, the text disappeared. Brightspot now preserves WIP as expected. Filed under: WIP, rich-text editor
  • The GraphQL developer page was displaying a 404 error instead of the OneGraph application. The OneGraph application now displays as expected. Filed under: GraphQL

Breaking changes

  • The User#image field has been removed along with its public accessors. For backwards compatibility with existing data, @Relocate has been implemented for migrating the legacy image field value to the new avatar field.
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