Viewing site-search statistics

You can view statistics for site searches—terms for which visitors are searching on your site.

To view site-search analytics:

  1. In your dashboard, scroll to the Site Search Queries widget. For an explanation of the columns in this widget, see the following table Columns in Site Search Queries widget.
  2. From the leftmost list, select the time period for which you want to view site-search statistics.

    Site-search statistics Site-search statistics
    Site search queries widget

  3. From the rightmost list, select the number of terms you want to view in the widget.
  4. Click the term to view analytics for the items associated with the term (see the following table "Columns in Site Search Term Analytics widget").
  5. To perform additional analysis with a spreadsheet application, download the statistics by clicking Export CSV.

    Site search terms analytics Site search terms analytics

The following table describes the columns in the Site Search Queries widget.

Columns in Site Search Queries widget

Column Definition
Search Term Terms visitors search for in your site’s search field.
Search Count Number of times visitors searched for the search term.
# Search Results Number of items in your site that are associated with the search term.

Columns in Site Search Term Analytics widget

Search Result Items associated with the term you clicked in the Site Search Queries widget.
Clicks Number of times visitors arrived at the item from your site’s search results page.
Spotlight Promo that appears with the item when a visitor arrives at the item from your site’s search results page.
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