Configuring asset request emails

In the DAM workflow (see illustration in Overview of a DAM environment), a subscriber submits a request to use your assets. Brightspot can send an email to the editors responsible for approving or denying such requests. This section describes how to configure such emails.

To configure an email for an incoming asset request:

  1. Click menu > Admin > Sites & Settings.
  2. Under Sites, select the site for which you want to configure the email, or select Global to configure the email for all sites.
  3. Click search, located to the left of more_horiz, and type  DAM Asset Request Approval Settings.
  4. Do the following:

    1. Under No Approval Required By Default, do one of the following:

      • Turn on to allow subscribers to use your assets without requesting approval.
      • Turn off to explicitly approve subscribers’ requests to use your assets.

      You can override this setting for individual assets. For details, see Restricting asset availability.

    2. In the Email From Address field, enter the email’s “From” address, such as
    3. In the Email Subject Prefix field, enter the email’s subject line, such as Approval Needed for Asset Request.
    4. In the Email Body Footer, enter the text that appears after the listing of requested assets.
  5. Click Save.

See Also:

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