Creating an assignment
An assignment is a request for assets associated with a pitch. Assignments often have a specific editor, assignee, due date, and detailed instructions.
To create an assignment:
- Do one of the following:
- In the header, click > Assignment.
- Open the required pitch, and under Assignments, click Assignment.
- Using the following table as a reference, complete the fields as needed.
- Click Save.
Field | Description |
Title | Enter a title. Editors see the assignment's title in various widgets, such as search results. |
Due Date | Select a date by which the assignment must be completed. The date will be tracked by the Editorial Calendar. |
Urgent | Toggle on to mark this assignment as urgent. When doing searches on assignments, editors filter for those that are urgent. |
Assignment Type | Select the content type associated with this assignment. |
Description | Enter a description. Editors see the assignment's description in various widgets, such as search results. |
Pitch | Select the pitch associated with this assignment. For details about creating a pitch, see Creating a pitch. |
Related To | Select an existing asset associated with this assignment. That asset may provide prompts to the team working on this assignment. |
Attachments | Upload or provide URLs of files that provide background to the team working on this assignment. |
Event Information | |
Event | Select an event associated with this assignment, or create a new one. For details about creating an event, see Creating an event. |
Team | |
Additional Team Members | Select existing editors or external team members. Brightspot sends notifications to the team members as the assignment progresses. For additional information, see Creating a user, Creating external team members, and Assignment Desk notifications. |
Assignment (widget in right rail) | |
Status | Set to New. |
Editor | Select an existing editor or team member to oversee fulfillment of the assignment, or click to create a new editor from the content picker. |
Assignee | Select an existing editor or team member to perform the assignment, or click to create a new editor from the content picker. |