Search display options

The search panel includes a variety of controls you can use to modify the listing of retrieved items.

Search display options.png Search display options.png

For more information on the available controls in the image above, see below:

  • Display Mode—Allows you to view search results in different views depending on preference. For details, see Understanding search panel views.
  • Select Fields—Allows you to show or hide search result column fields like publish user, workflow state, status, and more. For details, see Adding fields to search results.
  • Sort—Allows you to sort search results by a number of different criteria, like publish date, update date, and more.
  • Show—Allows you to set the number of results that appear on each search result page.
  • Zoom—Allows you to increase or decrease the size of search results for visibility.
  • Pagination—Allows you to quickly jump to another page of search results.
  • Actions—Allows you to take additional actions on search results, like printing or saving. For details, see Search actions.
  • Full-screen—Opens the search results panel in a full-screen mode for better visibility.
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