Publishing concepts
Brightspot is a robust CMS that offers you many powerful publishing tools and options. This section contains information to help you better understand many of the underlying concepts behind the way Brightspot is engineered.
- Overview of Brightspot's content hierarchy—Learn how settings flow through the content hierarchy, from the global level, to the site level, to the section level, and finally to the asset level.
- Progression of an asset through states—Learn about the man different content states an asset may enter, as well as the actions needed to achieve each.
- Shared vs. one-off assets—Learn more about modular content as it relates to asset management in Brightspot.
- Shared vs. one-off modules—Learn more about modular content as it relates to module management in Brightspot.
- Creating associated content—Learn how to quickly build out landing pages using a custom module meant to accelerate the process.