Overview of AMP

Web browsers, either on the desktop or on mobile devices, can suffer from latent loading of content, particularly with large media files. You can mitigate this effect by incorporating AMP into your site, which is an open-source library that provides the tools to deliver web pages almost instantaneously.

AMP accelerates the delivery of an entire web page by requiring code to include certain features and to exclude others. Using AMP, your web pages gain the following performance improvements:

  • Faster layout—Because AMP includes instructions for instantly laying out your web page, the text does not jump around after larger files arrive.
  • Image previews—AMP providers often make low-resolution previews of your images and deliver them first before delivering the final images. The preview gives visitors a cue that the final image is about to appear, and even provides some context for the text they started reading.
  • Pages appear in the search results carousel—Web pages implementing Google's version of AMP can appear in a carousel layout of search results along with a "quick view." Visitors see the product without being directed to your website, allowing for a shorter time-to-engagement.
    Google search carousel Google search carousel
    Google search carousel
  • Content cached on Google servers—Google caches some of your AMP content, which can result in delivery faster than from your own server.

Not all of your web pages or websites need AMP, and some of Brightspot's standard features provide AMP-like effects. As a best practice, evaluate your content, target audience, and competition before integrating AMP into your Brightspot project. Regardless, once you configure the AMP integration and develop AMP-compliant templates, Brightspot uses those templates to deliver content almost instantaneously to your visitors.

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Asset types
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Page types
Brightspot is packaged with content types that get you up and running in a matter of days, including assets, modules and landing pages.

Content types
Landing pages
Everything you need to know when creating, managing, and administering content within Brightspot CMS.

Admin configurations
A guide for installing, supporting, extending, modifying and administering code on the Brightspot platform.

Field types
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Rich-text elements
A guide to configuring Brightspot's library of integrations, including pre-built options and developer-configured extensions.

Google Analytics
Apple News