Brightspot CMS Developer Guide

Implementing sitemaps for custom content types

To generate sitemap entries for custom content types, ensure those types implement Directory.Item, SiteMapItem, and optionally SiteMapConfig.

Step 1: Implement SiteMapItem

For a custom content type to be included in a sitemap, it must:

  • Extend Content.
  • Implement the method SiteMapItem#getSiteMapEntries. This method returns a list of SiteMapEntry objects. A SiteMapEntry object provides a URL and other information about an asset. The resulting sitemap XML for an asset is determined by the SiteMapEntry methods that you set in the implementation.

The following example shows a getSiteMapEntries() implementation.

public class MyContentType extends Content implements
    Directory.Item, /* Generates permalinks used in sitemaps. */
    SiteMapItem {   /* Generates a list of sitemap entries. */

    public List<SiteMapEntry> getSiteMapEntries() {
        List<SiteMapEntry> siteMapEntries = new ArrayList<>();

        * Loop over all sites hosting this object. If the site
        * itself has a permalink, create a sitemap entry for the object.
        Site.Static.findAll().forEach(e -> {

            String sitePermalink = as(Directory.ObjectModification.class).getSitePermalink(e);

            if (!StringUtils.isBlank(sitePermalink)) {
                SiteMapEntry siteMapEntry = new SiteMapEntry();

        /* Return the list of sitemap entries associated with this object. */
        return siteMapEntries;

For content types that you want to include in the news- or video-sitemap, implement the NewsSiteMapItem or VideoSiteMapItem interface.

Step 2 (optional): Implement SiteMapConfig

Sitemap configuration informs the background tasks about the types of sitemaps to generate and when to generate them. Brightspot provides a default sitemap configuration that accommodates any custom content types that you add; however, if you want a custom sitemap configuration, you must implement SiteMapConfig and related interfaces.

The SiteMapConfig is a subinterface of GlobalSiteMapConfig, which includes the getJobSettings() method. Implementing this method requires that you implement the JobSettings interface.

The following snippet shows a partial implementation of SiteMapConfig.

public class MySiteMapConfig implements SiteMapConfig {

   public JobSettings getJobSettings() {
      return new JobSettings() {

         * Check for correct host. As a best practice, implement this method to call
         * TaskUtils.isRunningOnTaskHost(). Doing so verifies that the host on which
         * the sitemap generation task will run is the host configured in
         * Admin > Sites & Settings > Global > Debug > Default Task Host.
         public boolean isAllowedToRun() {
             return TaskUtils.isRunningOnTaskHost();

         /* Time to run task. */
         public DateTime calculateRunTime(DateTime currentTime) {

         /* Job identification in log. */
         public String getLabel() {
             return "Sitemap Settings";

   /* Additionally implemented SiteMapConfig and GlobalSiteMapConfig methods */

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