Brightspot CMS Developer Guide


Dari provides from-related methods with specifiers that determine how a query operates in retrieving objects from the system.

  • from method specifies a content type.
  • fromType specifies an object type.
  • fromGroup specifies a group as defined in object type definitions.
  • fromAll specifies all types.
  • fromQuery specifies an existing query.

The simplest query is to select all records of a given content type, for example:

List<Activity> activities = Query.from(Activity.class).selectAll();

The from method specifies the Activity class as the target of the query, and the selectAll method specifies that all instances of the Activity class be retrieved. The from method retrieves published objects.

When a base class is the target of the from method, class inheritance impacts the results. In the following example, Activity is the base class.

public class Activity extends Record {
    @Indexed private Date activityDate;
    @Indexed private User activityUser;
    @Indexed private String groupLead;

public class Checkin extends Activity { ... }
public class Comment extends Activity { ... }
public class ReadArticle extends Activity { ... }
public class PostedArticle extends Activity { ... }

Given this class hierarchy, a query of the Activity class implicitly retrieves any records that are subclasses of Activity.

In addition to returning all results with the selectAll method, the Query API includes methods for limiting the number of returned results. One such method is first, which returns only the first object of all of the instances retrieved.

User user = Query.from(User.class).first();

The Query API includes several sort methods, two of which provide basic ascending or descending sort on a String field of a class, for example:

List<User> users = Query.from(User.class).sortAscending("name").selectAll();

The field being sorted must have the @Recordable.Indexed annotation.

The fromType method specifies an object type definition of a class and returns instances of the specified definition. If the class derives from Content, published instances are returned. For example, the following snippet gets the object type definition for Article and specifies it in the fromType method of the query. The query returns all published article instances.

ObjectType ot = ObjectType.getInstance(Article.class);
return Query.fromType(ot).selectAll();

You can also specify an object type definition for a class that does not derive from Content, returning instances that are not publishable. For example, the following snippet gets the object type definition for History. The query returns versioned objects that have been converted to type History.

ObjectType ot = ObjectType.getInstance(com.psddev.cms.db.History.class);
return Query.fromType(ot).selectAll();

The fromGroup method queries objects of a specified group, as set in the group attribute of the object type definitions. By default, Dari sets the group attribute of all Record-derived classes with a set of values that reflect class inheritance and implemented interfaces. Using the ObjectTypegetGroups and setGroups methods, you can modify the values set on the group attribute of object type definitions.

The fromGroup method searches object type definitions with the specified group value. In the following example, activity.billable is set on the group attribute of the object type definition for Activity. The query searches on that group value, returning all published Activity objects, plus any other published objects whose definitions also include the activity.billable group value.

ObjectType ot = ObjectType.getInstance(Activity.class);
Set groups = ot.getGroups();
List<Object> objects = Query.fromGroup("activity.billable").selectAll();

The fromAll method specifies all types, for example:

return Query.fromAll().selectAll();

The fromAll method returns published and unpublished objects, including objects hidden from the UI as described in visibility-indexed fields.

The fromQuery method specifies an existing query. The method is useful for applying additional predicates to a user-created query that you want to filter. For example, the following query specifies an existing query (endUserQuery) and uses the where method to filter for a specific object type.

List<Article> articles = Query.fromQuery(endUserQuery).where("_type = ?", "00000162-3fac-db0a-a177-ffef80210000").selectAll();

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