Brightspot Integrations Guide

Creating Analytics ingestion filters

In your Google Analytics console, you can configure the categories and actions for which Google accumulates counts. For example, you can configure a category Video with two events: Start (the visitor started watching the video) and Complete (the visitor viewed the entire video). For a detailed explanation of categories and events, see About Events.

Brightspot ingests analytics based on the categories and events you configure in the Google console. Depending on your Analytics configuration, that can be a substantial amount of data. You can use event filters to reduce the amount of data ingested, so you ingest only the data you actually use.

To create an Analytics ingestion filter:

  1. Click menu > Admin > Sites & Settings.
  2. In the Sites widget, select the site for which you want to configure an ingestion filter.
  3. Under Integrations > Google Analytics > Custom Event Filter Strategy, select one of the following:

    • None—No custom events ingested for this site. Skip to step 8.
    • All Except—Brightspot ingests all the analytics except those matching the filters you configure. Continue with the next step.
    • Only—Brightspot ingests analytics matching the filters you configure. Continue with the next step.
  4. Click add_circle_outline. A Simple Event Filter form appears.
  5. In the Event Category field, paste an event category from your Google console.
  6. In the Event Action list, paste one or more actions from your Google console that are associated with the category. (If you leave this field blank, Brightspot matches all the actions associated with the category.)
  7. Repeat steps 4–6 to create additional filters.
  8. Click Save.
Analytics ingestion filters Analytics ingestion filters

Referring to the previous illustration, Brightspot ingests Google Analytics counts for the following categories:

  • Visitors clicking on the Request Demo button in the main navigation.
  • Visitors clicking on the Save My Seat button in an asset's body text.

See also:

Previous Topic
Configuring a site to retrieve Google Universal Analytics data
Next Topic
Adding the Google Analytics 4 integration
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