Brightspot Integrations Guide

Configuring integrated search and notifications with Slack

This topic covers how to configure integrated search in Brightspot with Slack.

To configure integrated search and notifications with Slack:

  1. For each workspace you are configuring federated search or notifications, ensure you have access to the workspace’s console.
  2. Click menu > Admin > Sites & Settings.
  3. In the Sites widget, select Global. The Edit Global widget appears.
  4. Under Main, ensure that the Default Tool URL field is set.
  5. In the Sites widget, select the site for which you want to configure Slack, or select Global to configure Slack for all sites.
  6. Under Main, expand Slack.
  7. Under Workspaces, click add_circle_outline. A selection field appears.
  8. From the selection field, select Create New. A New Slack Workspace widget appears.
  9. In the Workspace Name field, enter a name for the workspace (typically the name of the Slack workspace you are integrating).
  10. In the Client ID field, copy and paste the redirect URL into a text editor.

    Slack redirect URIs in Brightspot Slack redirect URIs in Brightspot
    Slack redirect URIs in Brightspot

  11. Click Slack API Console to access your Slack console. If prompted, log into your Slack account. The Slack Your Apps page appears.
  12. In the Your Apps page, click Create New App. The Create an app widge appears.
  13. In the Create an app widget, select From scratch.
  14. Name the app and select the workspace that you would like Brightspot to use.

    slack app and choose workspace slack app and choose workspace

  15. Click Create App. The Basic Information page appears.
  16. Under Features, click OAuth & Permissions. The OAuth & Permissions page appears.
  17. Under Redirect URLs, do the following:

    1. Click Add New Redirect URL.
    2. Enter the redirect URL from step 10 and click Add.
    3. Click Save URLs.

      Redirect URLs field in Slack console Redirect URLs field in Slack console
      Redirect URLs field in Slack console

  18. Under Scopes, do the following:

    • To enable federated search, under User Token Scopes, add files:read and search:read.

      Federated Search Slack 4.png Federated Search Slack 4.png

    • To enable notifications through Slack, under Bot Token Scopes, add chat:write and chat:write.public.

      Federated Search Slack 5.png Federated Search Slack 5.png

  19. Scroll to the top of the OAuth & Permissions page and click Install to Workspace. A list of permissions appears.

    Depending on your role in the Slack workspace, you may first have to request approval to install the app.

  20. Click Allow. You return to the OAuth & Permissions page.
  21. If you are configuring notifications, do the following (otherwise skip to step 22):

    1. In Slack, under Features, click OAuth & Permissions.
    2. Under OAuth Tokens for Your Workspace, copy the value for Bot User OAuth Access Token.

      Slack User OAuth token Slack User OAuth token
      Slack User OAuth token

    3. In Brightspot’s Slack Workspace widget, paste the token into the Token field.

      Slack tokens in Brightspot Slack tokens in Brightspot
      Slack tokens in Brightspot

  22. If you are configuring third-party search, do the following:

    1. In Slack, under Settings, click Basic Information.
    2. Scroll to App Credentials.

      Slack Client ID and Client Secret OAuth values Slack Client ID and Client Secret OAuth values
      Slack Client ID and Client Secret OAuth values

    3. Copy the client ID and client secret values to the Client ID and Client Secret fields in Brightspot’s Slack Workspace widget (see the illustration "Slack tokens in Brightspot").
  23. Click Save.
  24. Click Back.
  25. From the Workspaces selection field, select the Slack workspace you just created.
  26. Click Save.
  27. Verify the integration is active:

    • Configure a subscription and a delivery method that uses Slack, and trigger an event that sends a message over Slack.
    • Search for a file inside your Slack workspace.
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