Brightspot Integrations Guide

Configuring a site to retrieve Google Universal Analytics data

To configure a Brightspot site to retrieve Google Universal Analytics data:

  1. Click menu > Admin > Sites & Settings.
  2. In the Sites widget, select a site to integrate with Google Analytics.

    If you only have one set of credentials for your Google Analytics account, you can set those credentials under the Global site and they will cascade down to all of your other sites. The value in the Credentials field is the only value that cascades down to your other sites. You must still enter the View ID and remaining settings for each site that you want to retrieve Google Analytics.

  3. Under Integrations, scroll to, and expand, Google Analytics.
  4. Using the following table as a reference, enter settings for the Google Analytics plugin.

    Brightspot displays a message validating whether or not the analytics integration has been configured properly.

    Google analytics integration Google analytics integration

  5. Click Save.
  6. Change to the Global site.
  7. Click Integrations > Google.
  8. Verify that the Task Host field contains the name of the host running the import from Google Analytics.


Private JSON key that was downloaded from the Google API service account as described in Create a service account key. Copy the entire contents of the file into this field, including the opening and closing braces. You can set the Credentials at the Global site level and have that value cascade down to all of your other sites, or you can enter unique credentials for each site if you have per-site Google Analytics credentials. Credentials entered at the site level always supersede those entered at the Global level.

For example, you would use different credentials if your organization has different GCP Service Accounts with access to different GA Accounts/Views.

View ID ID of the view that was generated in your Google Analytics account as described in [UA] Set up Analytics for a website (Universal Analytics). You can configure your account to have multiple views, each with a different set of data.
Import Time Zone Set the time zone for your data import. This setting must match the time zone of the same View as specified in the View ID field above.
Page Report

Toggling on this setting allows the import of page views data, at the per-page level, from Google Analytics. In addition, the following features become available:

Site Reports

Type of reports to generate about traffic to your site:

  • Device categories—Indicates types of devices visitors are using on your site.
  • Demographics—Provides gender and age brackets.
  • Referrals—Indicates how visitors arrive at your site, such as referral traffic from other sites or clicking links in search engines.
  • Visits—Provides general information about site visits, such as number of sessions, users, and session duration.
Custom Event Filter Strategy

Filters to apply when importing from Google Analytics.

  • None—No import occurs.
  • All Except—Import all events except those you select from the Filters list.
  • Only—Imports only those events you select from the Filters list.

Each entry in the Filters list is an event category and associated event actions configured in your Google console. (The entries must match exactly what is configured in Google.)

Import Schedule (available for Global site only) Times at which you want to ingest data from Google Analytics.
  • None—No ingestion occurs.
  • Cron Expression—A cron expression specifying the times at which you want to ingest data. For example, entering 0 15,45 * * * ? * ingests analytics every hour at 15 and 45 after the hour. (A good utility for composing cron expressions is at
  • Schedule Builder—A set of accordions for configuring the ingestion intervals. For more information, see Configuring analytics ingestion intervals with the schedule builder.

This setting is only available on the Global site.

Historical Days to Import (available for Global site only) Number of days' data to import from Google Analytics. The default value for this field is 30 (days). This setting is only available on the Global site.
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Adding the Google Universal Analytics integration
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Creating Analytics ingestion filters
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