Brightspot Content Types Guide

Podcast List module

A podcast list allows you to display several podcasts together as a single module.

To create a podcast list:

  1. In the header, click add.
  2. From the Create list, select Podcast List Module.
  3. Using the following table as a reference, complete the fields as needed.
  4. Complete your site's workflow and publish the asset.

Podcast List module fields

Click each tab below to see a description of the associated fields.

Internal NameEnter an internal name for this asset. Brightspot uses this name internally, such as in the search panel and recent activity widget. This name is not visible to visitors to your site.
TitleEnter a title for this asset. This title is visible to the visitors to your site.
DescriptionEnter a description that describes this asset. This description is visible to the visitors to your site.
ItemsClick add_circle_outline below the Items field and use the content picker to select the podcasts you want to add to this podcast list as promos. You also have the option to create new promo assets from this menu. See Podcast for information on creating a new podcast.
Call to ActionSelect None, Internal or External.
  • None—No call to action button is displayed.
  • Internal—A call to action button is displayed that links to an internal asset.
  • External—A call to action button is displayed that links to an external URL.Using the Call to Action Advanced tab
When setting up an internal or external call to action, you have the option to set how the link will behave.

External—Advanced tab
  • Target—Specify whether the target of the Call to Action should open in New Window/Tab or Same Window/Tab.
Internal—Advanced tab
  • Target—Specify whether the target of the Call to Action should open in New Window/Tab or Same Window/Tab.
  • Anchor—If the asset you are linking to has anchors present, such as a page with tabs, you can select items within the tabs to which to anchor. Then when your visitors click the Read More button, they are taken directly to that anchor.
Call To Action Button TextEnter text appearing on the call-to-action button. This text is visible to the visitors to your site.

AnchorModify the anchor to something that would make sense when appearing in an Anchor field's drop-down menu on another asset. This allows you to directly link to this module in another asset. Being specific makes it easier to identify in a list of other anchors.


Hide DescriptionsToggle on to hide the descriptions of the assets contained in the list module. For example, toggling on this setting displays the Headline of an article, but hides the Description of an article contained in the list module.
Hide CategoriesToggle on to hide the categories of the assets included in the list module.
Hide ImagesToggle on to hide the images included on the assets contained in the list module.

Podcast List Styles

Field Description
TemplateSelect the template of this module from the list of options. Templates are visual presentation presets that differ depending on the type of module.
PresetSelect one of the following:
  • None—Applies styling from the site's theme.
  • Custom—Opens a form to customize the site's theme for this asset.
  • (Various)—Aside from None or Custom, there may be additional options in this list depending on the value selected in the Template field. If the selected template has presets, then those presets are able to be selected in this list and applied. For information about configuring template presets, see Creating a template preset.
Choose a Background ColorEnter the hexadecimal value of a background color for this module. For instance, entering #000888 provides a dark blue background.
Change Primary Text Color to Primary Inverse Text Color (Set in Theme Colors)Toggle on to convert the primary color of the text in the module to the inverse color of the text set in the theme.
Header Text AlignmentOverrides the default alignment of the header as specified in your theme's CSS file. You can choose from Left, Center, or Right.
Call to Action AlignmentOverrides the default alignment of the call to action button as specified in your theme's CSS file. Your choices are Left, Center, and Right, and determines where in the asset the call to action button is displayed.
Item Category AlignmentOverrides the default Category alignment as specified in your theme's CSS file. Your choices are Left, Center, or Right.
Item Title AlignmentOverrides the default alignment of the Title for each item on the asset as specified in your theme's CSS file. Your choices are Left, Center, and Right, and determines where, above each item, the item Title is displayed.
Item Description AlignmentOverrides the default alignment of the Description for each item on the asset as specified in your theme's CSS file. Your choices are Left, Center, and Right, and determines where, on the items, the Description is displayed.
Item Image Aspect RatioOverrides the default size and shape of the image next to the items in the asset as specified in your theme's CSS file.
Item Display StyleOverrides the default display style of the items included in your list as specified in your theme's CSS file.
Choose an Item Background ColorOpen the color picker to override the default background color for the items included on the asset.
Item Background ImageOverrides the default background image for each item included on the asset. You can open the content selector to choose a background image or create a new one if needed.
Item Text ColorOpen the color picker to override the default text color for the items included on the asset.
Module Padding TopOverrides the default padding at the top of the module as specified in your theme's CSS file. You can choose from None, Small, Medium, or Large.
Module Padding BottomOverrides the default padding at the bottom of the module as specified in your theme's CSS file. You can choose from None, Small, Medium, or Large.

Field Description
LocaleSets the content's locale. This setting can also be used to auto-localize content based on the users requested locale.

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Person List module
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Podcast Episode List module
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