Brightspot Releases

v4.2.2 release

Release date: September 4, 2019

Significant new features

  • You can now directly download a video, including the Amazon Elemental output. Filed under: video, Amazon Elemental

Significant improvements

  • When you select a new object type, such as a section on a page, the drop-down list now shows an option to create a new one in addition to selecting an existing one. Filed under: section, page
  • When you adjust the preview window based on the device or screen size, the drop-down options on the preview toolbar now remain in a consistent position. Filed under: preview
  • Administrators can now define a list of common colors for each site that are displayed as swatches wherever the color picker appears in Brightspot for that site. The colors are defined on the Overrides tab of the Edit Theme page, which is accessed under Admin > Sites & Settings > Global (or a specific site) > Front-End > edit (pencil icon) next to Theme. Filed under: theme
  • The breaking news banner can now display an internal link, an external link, or no link (i.e., just text). Filed under: breaking news banner
  • The live blog post view model was modified so it returns both the date and time instead of just the time. Filed under: live blog
  • The VideoPlayable field is now transient in JW Player. Filed under: JW Player
  • Using GraphQL, you can now query by ID or path and return an invisible item by default for the content management API but not for the content delivery API. Filed under: GraphQL, API
  • The content delivery API in GraphQL now allows an object with a backslash (/) in its path to be retrieved. The content delivery API in GraphQL is also now able to preview global if no other sites exist. Filed under: GraphQL, API
  • In the view system, createViews casts a view model via type parameter, so view models can now be returned for some fields even if view models do not implement an interface of the field return type. For instance, SplitPromoRawViewModel is returned for PageViewMainField even if the view model does not implement the field interface. To accommodate this behavior in GraphQL, RawView has been added to every union type as a possible type. Filed under: GraphQL

Significant defects addressed

  • The drag-and-drop functionality was not working in a content form but now functions as intended. Filed under: drag-and-drop

Breaking changes

  • This release moves all the GraphQL global modifications to a _globals field.
  • The view model template has been modified as we've removed the date field and getDate() method, and added a UNIX "timestamp" field and getter so that we have more flexibility for formatting the date and time. As a result, the singular timestamp value is passed to the front end, at which point the format helper is used for generating both the date and time strings.
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