Brightspot Releases

v4.5.0.1 release

Release date: January 19, 2022

v4.5.0.1 had 1 improvement.

Significant improvements

  • Due to Marketo deprecating the endpoint Brightspot uses to submit forms from the CMS to Marketo, Brightspot has updated the existing MarketoExternalSubmitAction model to use the new endpoint.

Breaking changes

Method signature change:

  • brightspot.form.action.Action#tryAction(FormSubmission formSubmission) to #tryAction(FormSubmission formSubmission, Form form). The new Form parameter is the Form containing the Action having #tryAction called.

Model change:

  • MarketoExternalSubmitAction no longer needs any instance variables. The actionLink and submitMethod fields have been removed, along with their respective getter and setter methods.

Marketo API Permission change:

  • The SubmitForm endpoint requires the Read-Write Lead be added to the role associated with the REST endpoint created in Marketo.
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