Brightspot CMS User Guide

Adding an embedded field

Embedded fields are a group of fields inside an editorial content type. These groups of fields are available only in the content type in which they are defined.

If you have the same embedded field appearing in more than one editorial content type, consider using an embedded editorial content type. For example, you have two editorial content types, Job Applicants and Sales Prospects. Each of those content types has an embedded field with three address fields Street, City, and ZIP. Instead of replicating two identical embedded fields, you can create a single Address embedded content type that contains those fields, and share Address with Job Applicants and Sales Prospects. For details, see Working with embedded editorial content types.

To add an embedded field:

  1. Search for and open the editorial content type that you want to edit, or create a new editorial content type. For details, see Creating an editorial content type.
  2. From the Items list, select Embedded Field.
  3. Under Main, in the Name field, enter a name for this field.
  4. From the Count list, select one of the following:
    • One—Only one instance of this field appears in the content edit form.
    • Many—Editors can click add_circle_outline to add multiple instances of this field in the content edit form.
    • Many (Sortable)—Editors can click add_circle_outline to add multiple instances of this field in the content edit form, and can re-order those fields by dragging low_priority.
  5. Under Items, click add_circle_outline, and select one of the field types.
  6. Complete the form for the selected field type.
  7. Repeat steps 5–6 to add additional fields.
  8. Under Advanced, do the following:
    1. In the Note field, enter a short explanatory note that appears in the content edit form.
    2. Toggle on Required to make this a required field.
    3. Depending on the field types you selected in step 5, configure other settings as required.
Configuration of an embedded field Configuration of an embedded field
Configuration of an embedded field
Embedded field in content edit form Embedded field in content edit form
Embedded field in content edit form

See also:

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Adding a date field
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Adding a file field
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