Subscribing to the publication topic
You can create a subscription that sends you messages when a publication event occurs. Because publication events happen very frequently, you can configure the subscription to receive messages for only those publication events that matter to you.
To configure a subscription for the publication topic:
- In the header, click your username > Profile > Main.
- Under Main > Notifications > Subscriptions, click .
- From the Delivery Methods list, select one or more of the available delivery methods. (For an explanation about configuring delivery methods, see Delivery methods.)
- From the Topic list, select Publish.
From the Content Filters list, select one of the following (otherwise you receive messages for all publication events):
- Match All—Configures a combination of criteria for which all must be true to receive a message.
- Only First—Configures a subscription to receive a notification the first time any asset is published (instead of receiving a message after every publish).
Query Match—Configures a subscription to receive messages based on fields associated with a selected content type. For example, if an editor filters by article, the filter can be further refined by other fields associated with articles, such as author, section, and tag.
Referring to the previous illustration, an editor receives a message when an article is published by either Charles Dickens or Jane Austen in the section 19th Century Fiction.
- Sites & Types—Configures a subscription to receive a message when an asset is published for a combination of content types and sites.
Content filter for publish eventReferring to the previous illustration, an editor receives a message when an article or gallery is published to the site Inspire Confidence.
- Watching—Configures a subscription to receive messages when watching the asset.
- Repeat steps 2–5 to add additional publish subscriptions.
- Click Save.