Brightspot CMS User Guide

Content URL behavior

Brightspot automatically generates URL permalinks for assets you create. Below is an explainer about how this behavior works.

By default, assets created in Brightspot get an auto-created permalink URL based on these rules:

  • For assets that have a URL Slug field (like Article or Listicle, for example), this will be read first in order to create the URL.
  • For assets without a URL Slug field (like Page or Tag), the URL will be automatically generated from the asset’s primary field (like Display Name).

Sections affect URLs a little differently.

  • If no section is added to an asset, the end of the URL is /asset-title.
  • If you assign a section to an asset, the URL is /section-name/asset-title.
  • You can create a section hierarchy, in which one section is the parent of another. The below example illustrates how this affects URLs.

    • Create section 1.

      • URL: /section-1
    • Create section 2, and assign section 1 as its parent.

      • URL: /section-1/section-2
  • Create section 3, and assign section 2 as its parent.

    • URL: /section-1/section-2/section-3

If you add the section at any point in the asset’s workflow before publishing, it will change the auto-generated URL; however, once you publish the asset, this will not happen, and it will retain the URL path that was already generated for it.

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