Brightspot CMS User Guide

Performing post-publish actions

In standard versions of Brightspot 4.5.3 or later, post-publish actions are only available if at least one of the following conditions are true:

  • A homepage contains a lead or content module.
  • A section contains a lead or content module.
  • A tag contains a lead or content module.

If you have any of the previous conditions, you can replace an asset in the lead or content module with the asset you just published. (Your organization's developers can add additional conditions and additional post-publish actions.)

To promote an asset after publication:

  1. Publish the asset. If the Post Publish Actions widget appears, skip to step 3.
  2. In the editorial toolbar, click more_horiz > Post Publish Actions. The Post Publish Actions widget appears.

    post publish actions menu item post publish actions menu item

  3. In the Post Publish Actions widget, do the following:

    Post-publish actions Post-publish actions

    1. From the Place Content Into Another list, select one of the available assets. The Post Publish Actions module refreshes to show the available placement based on the selection made in the Place Content Into Another field.
    2. Mark where you want to place the asset you just published.
    3. Click Place. Brightspot displays a confirmation message.
    4. Repeat steps a–c to configure additional promos.

Referring to the previous illustration—

  • There is a section GraphQL.
  • That section has a lead with one promo and a list module with three existing articles.
  • The asset just published in the content edit form replaces Article: Webinar insights: Questions on GraphQL and headless CMS answered in the list module.

    Post publish action front end Post publish action front end

See Enabling post-publishing actions for more information on enabling this feature.

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