Brightspot CMS User Guide

Trailing slash behavior in URLs

The field Trailing Slash Configuration has three options: Do Not Change, Remove, and Normalize. This topic provides examples showing how those options affect the lookup process for asset requests.

Suppose your site has assets at the following URLs:

  • (permalink is /breakfast).
  • (permalink is /lunch/, internally stored as /lunch/index).

The following table shows how Brightspot receives a requested URL and, depending on the value of Trailing Slash Configuration, determines the asset to return.

Requested URL
Returned asset
Do Not Change—Brightspot does not modify the URL of the requested asset. Asset with permalink /breakfast. There is no asset with permalink /breakfast/, so Brightspot returns a not found (error 404). There is no asset with permalink /lunch, so Brightspot returns a not found (error 404). Asset with permalink /lunch/. There is no asset with permalink /dinner, so Brightspot returns a not found (error 404). There is no asset with permalink /dinner/, so Brightspot returns a not found (error 404).
Remove—Brightspot removes a trailing slash unless an asset exists at the returned URL. Asset with permalink /breakfast. There is no asset with permalink /breakfast/, so Brightspot removes the trailing slash and returns the asset with permalink /breakfast. There is no asset with permalink /lunch, so Brightspot returns a not found (error 404). Asset with permalink /lunch/. There is no asset with permalink /dinner, so Brightspot returns a not found (error 404). There is no asset with permalink /dinner/, so Brightspot removes the trailing slash and attempts to return the asset with permalink /dinner. There is no asset with that permalink so Brightspot returns a not found (error 404).
Normalize—Brightspot adds or removes the trailing slash as necessary to match an existing URL. Asset with permalink /breakfast. There is no asset with permalink /breakfast/, so Brightspot removes the trailing slash and returns the asset with permalink /breakfast. There is no asset with permalink /lunch, so Brightspot adds the trailing slash and returns the asset with permalink /lunch/. Asset with permalink /lunch/. There is no asset with permalink /dinner, so Brightspot adds the trailing slash and attempts to return the asset with permalink /dinner/. There is no asset with that permalink, so Brightspot returns a not found (error 404). There is no asset with permalink /dinner/, so Brightspot removes the trailing slash and attempts to return the asset with permalink /dinner. There is no asset with that permalink, so Brightspot returns a not found (error 404).
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Configuring trailing slash behavior
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