Brightspot CMS User Guide

SEO overview

Search engine optimization (SEO) is the process of characterizing an asset so that search engines can easily find and list it in search results. While individual search engines have their own methods for finding and listing assets on the Internet, they all generally look for specific tags within the <head> element.

<title> and <meta> tags

SEO text often appears in the <title> and <meta> tags.

    <title>Brightspot's mission is to transform the way content is created and presented.</title> 
    <meta name="description" content="Brightspot gives you all of the tools you need to easily drive your brand storytelling."/> 
  • Shows SEO in the <title> tag.
  • Shows SEO text in the <meta description> tag.

Open Graph properties

SEO text often appears in Open Graph Tag properties used by social networks.

     <meta property="og:title" content="Brightspot’s mission is to transform the way content is created and presented">
    <meta property="og:url" content="">
    <meta property="og:description" content="Brightspot gives you all of the tools you need to easily drive your brand storytelling forward and transform your digital customer experiences—without compromise">
    <meta property="og:site_name" content="Brightspot">
    <meta property="og:type" content="article">
  • Specifies the asset's title when appearing in a social network.
  • Specifies the URL to which visitors arrive after clicking on the link in a social network. For example, if Malcolm shared an item on his Facebook page, Facebook includes this URL in the share. When Amy clicks on the shared item, she arrives at this URL.
  • Shows the tag line appearing in a social network.
  • Specifies the site name to display in the social network.
  • Specifies the type of asset.

How Brightspot populates SEO text

Depending on the asset you create, Brightspot automatically populates the SEO fields. For example, text you type in Headline and Subheadline fields automatically appears in the Title and Description fields under the SEO tab.

How Brightspot populates SEO text How Brightspot populates SEO text
How Brightspot populates SEO text

You can add or modify an asset's SEO entries as described in Configuring SEO for an asset.

How search engines use SEO text

Generally speaking, when a search engine lists your asset in search results, the text it displays comes from the <title> and <meta description> tags—which Brightspot populates from your entries in an asset's SEO tab. In addition, Google sets the search terms in boldface.

Referring to the following illustration, the SEO fields Title and Description appear in the search results. (The permalink appears parsed above the article's title.) If a visitor searched for the terms SEO and Brightspot, those terms appear in boldface.

Rendered SEO text in search engine results Rendered SEO text in search engine results
Rendered SEO text in search engine results

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Configuring SEO for an asset
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